Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Easily influenced...

Here it is, another day and can you believe it? Another blog entry!! Haha! Well, this one is inspired by another friend who is a self proclaimed "Gardening Nerd". :)

After seeing her blog entry about her new flower beds and truckload of mulch I had to finally bust out the seed pots, soil and seeds and the kids go to town.

Please pardon the craptastic pics, these were taken about 10 mins before the bus came to take Dev to school and the girls were wailing at the lack of attention being bestowed upon them (they're very demanding in the mornings!!). So, quick snaps is all I got.

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Also planted were Lemon Balm (who knows what we'll use that for, hubby wanted that one ;)) and a couple of apple seeds that Devin got from a school mate yesterday. I hope, hope, hope they do something because we've tried in the past to grow apple seeds and nada. Zip, zero, zilch. Dev would be tickled if we at least got a sprout out of them. :)

Anyway, that's what we did this morning! :) Thanks Lisa for the motivation!

Monday, April 28, 2008

PSA~ Reading other blogs maybe be dangerous!!!

It's true folks! I never thought something could happen to me just by reading another person's blog, but it did!

There I was, reading a friend's blog and suddenly the very content of her blog consumed me!! It made me crazy! I couldn't stop obessing about it! I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out of my head until I was able to recreate exactly what I saw!!


I did it. *sob, sob, sob* I'm telling you I had no choice! Her words seduced me! They whispered sweet nothings into my ear to make me do their will. The images...I could not get them out of my head!!! It drove me mad I tell you, MAD!

That blog. That danged blog!!! Just LOOK at what it made me DO...

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Seriously Jill, I MUST stop reading your blog! I mean, I'm supposed to be dieting after all. Sigh...but oh my goodness were they good!! 4 ingredient peanut butter cookies, who would have thought?!

Ahh well...they're gone now. LOL Maybe next time you'll blog about liver and onions or something like that and I won't be tempted. ;) Haha!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pit Stop

Ya know, when you have 2 freshly potty trained toddlers in the house and you hear the words, 'poo poo' it gets you movin' for sure! When the toddler uttering the words is holding a Speed Racer action figure on the potty seat, you move even faster--to grab your camera before the moment passes (*snort* 'passes' haha!)!!!

Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer,
Go Speed Racer, Gooooooo!!!
(Bwahaha~ potty humor ROCKS!:D)
Pit Stop

That girl cracks me up!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

All better!

Well, mostly. The pain killer did it's job and my headache is gone! Woo hoo! I could still use some more coffee though...might have to make another pot seeing as how it's gone and all.

Anyway, had to share these! I begged Dev to help me by being my model today for a super quick photo shoot. Here are a few~

Looking older

A little too blah maybe?
(need to work on this one a bit...maybe apply Jenny's color pop on it? Hmmm...)

Endulging me
Silly kid

And now for some outtakes!

That silly kid!

Being a ham

This one kills me! You'd have thought I had him out in sub-zero weather (I'd never do that! *snicker, snort, bwahaha!*) the way he was complaining! "mommmmm, it's COLD out here! Are we done yet?!" keep in mind this was taken 3 minutes after I started and it's not that cold out. LOL

Suffering for the sake of art

Ahhh, that kid! He was a trooper, despite whining a bit. Hmm...it's a little warmer out...and the sun has changed position a bit...wonder if he'll let me take some more? :D

Yeah, probably not.

It's worth a shot though! I'm outta here--gotta find something to 'convince' him to help me! (ya know, a good bribe!! LOL)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! :)

7:48 AM...Cup #2

7:43 AM

'Nuff said.

Hope the drugs kick in soon so I can return and post a better entry! :)

*can you believe it? 3 entries in 3 days!!*

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's that time of year again!

The glorious time of year when we bust out the clippers and shave the boys' heads!!

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(Btw, Dev is demonstrating how to shoot a bow & arrow, not preparing to hit someone LOL)

Once completely opposed to the idea of shaving the boys' heads, I've since grown used to the idea and can now tolerate seeing their lovely locks shorn from their heads. In fact, I actually prefer Ry's hair this way! It's just that the first couple of days take getting used to--it's like I forget that we've done it! Haha

Anyway, just thought I'd share one of our warm weather traditions with you all. :)

'Come on kids, everyone grab a towel, throw it over your shoulders and head outside--It's Noggin' Shearin' Time!!!' (cue banjo music)

Hmm...do you think it could catch on like decorating Easter eggs or wearing green for St. Patty's Day?


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Okay, wait a sec...did that just happen?!

Hello all! No, you're not dreaming, I am--in fact--posting an entry on my blog! *GASP* I know, I know...I am so bad at this blogging thing, but does it count it if I at least *think* about blogging once in a while? Even if I can't actually manage to do it? :D

So, I bet you're asking yourself, "Self, why on earth is she blogging today? What makes today so special?", well, lemme tell ya what happened today!

Sit back, get comfy, because I'm in a chatty mood! :D

It started like any other day, got up got the oldest fed, dressed and ready for school. By 9:00am everyone was up and things were clipping along at the 'normal' chaotic pace. I had decided to take the kids to the thrift store and later to Target to see about buying some clothes for the small giant we have living here who has seen fit to grow out of all the extra big shorts from last year...

So, we go, we see, we buy, we come home. The kids get fed and the girls go down for a nap. Not much of anything goes on for a couple of hours, just laundry, ate lunch--*yawn*--you get the idea, same 'ol same 'ol.

At around 4:05pm Devin arrives home from school, things get a little louder, girls are starting to get cranky and everyone needs a snack. So, snacks are handed out and everyone's content.

At approximately 4:45pm I was standing near the entry way and I noticed the sound of geese flying overhead. Okay, no biggie, but then...

Okay, so here's where I have to interject and ask a question.

Ever have something happen to you that, after it happens, you sit back, scratch your head and say, "Did that just happen?!"? Yeah, well, me too! I mean, anyone who knows me knows that I've had a lot of stuff happen to me just since being with my husband (not saying he's the reason for it all happening, although I'm betting he is ;) LOL). I've been through a tornado, watched a hurricane pass over my city while evacuated, been in a couple of earthquakes--which, having grown up in CA is no biggie--however, we have had 2 in the past week or so here in the midwest (yes, we've officially been blamed for those...sorry :)), oh yeah, and remember my reaction to being told we were having twins? Haha! So yeah, we've had LOTS of those 'Did that just happen?!' moments.

However, I never, in a million years would have guessed that what happened today could actually happen to me!

So, ya ready? K.

We have geese flying overhead remember? Okay, so that's a pretty normal thing and I don't think much of it until...SPLAT! I look up to find the biggest, grossest, greenest splat of goose poop I've ever seen!!
IMG_4031 goose poop
Gross isn't it? *gag*

So, no biggie, goose poop on the window...but do you notice something? Look at the window...it's open isn't it? Yes, me in my wisdom thought, "ahh, what a nice day, let's open the windows so the fresh air can blow into the house!". What I did not think was, "Hmm...maybe I shouldn't open the windows today, I know it's nice and all but a goose might fly by and poop and the wind might carry it 'just so' and it'll hit the window and fly....


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Now see, what you have here is a close up. A close up of lots and lots of itsy bitsy teensy tiny dark green specks. Specks, that if pressed lightly with a paper towel will bleed onto both the towel AND the carpet! Fun huh? Yeah, I know this from personal experience.

Moving on...

So, obviously I'm overjoyed right? I mean, it's almost 5:00pm and my kids will be wanting dinner soon and I've got a 1'x3' section of carpet covered in goose poop spray! Hmm, what to do, what to do...I tell the oldest to turn on a show for the girls and to keep them out of the playroom, then I grab the paper towels (we all know how that turned out), a dish towel and some carpet cleaner.

There I was working at removing all of the ick when I hear, "oh no, oh no, no, no, no!!" "Uh-oh" "Mooooommmmm!"

Bwhahahaha! "Yes my sweet angelic child, whatever is the matter?" *snort*

Well, apparently in my haste to toss the kids a snack pre-poop-fest, I neglected to properly close the 'ol toddler cookie bag and...

Hahaha! Ahh, yes, more clean up! Gotta be thankful that this mess wasn't from anyone's body though right? Right! :D

So...I was able to enlist Em to clean up her cookies (which I took pics of--of course!) and I managed to get most of the goose poop out of my carpet.

But did I mention the other clean up? Remember I said that this happened in my playroom? Snicker...well, we have lots of Little People and stuff...and let's just say not all of them escaped being sprayed.

Here they are after Step One of Goose Poop Removal (aka~ scrubbing the tar out of them in the sink with soap) waiting to experience Step Two~ A Brutal Silkwood Scrubbing With Clorox Wipes~
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Yes...I'm afraid that is Noah...and his wife too!

Ahh, but it all ended well. Kids eventually got fed, the floor was cleaned and the toys scrubbed and a valuable lesson was learned:

When living in the flight path of migratory geese, exercise caution and open windows only if you're prepared to:

A. Run like mad to close them when you hear the geese
B. Clean goose poop out of your carpet.

So, next time it's a lovely day out and you want to open the windows for some fresh springtime air, think long and hard. Weigh the pros and cons. Keeping them closed will preserve your carpets and save you some clean up. Ahh, but that fresh air smells so good, you could open just a couple of them right? Besides, what are the odds of a goose flying by at just the right angle to your house...with the wind blowing *just* the right way...


Goodnight all!