Saturday, December 16, 2006

Has anyone seen my baby boy?

Anyone? Because he's missing. That's right, one minute he was here, wearing tiny little newborn diapers and cute one piece sleepers and then suddenly he just vanished.

Oh, and can anyone tell me who this boy in my house is? He's definitely taller than my other babies and wears jeans and screen tees, seems to enjoy rough housing and riding a bike--without training wheels no less--and is reading things he shouldn't be reading and therefore knowing things he shouldn't (like his kindergarten newsletter telling about upcoming events for his class)...anyone know this kid?

Maybe this'll help...he's got a loose tooth!!!

Sob, sob, sob...gulp, waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Okay, so I confess--I know this kid. He's mine. Yup, my first born. He's been out of diapers for a long time now and I've had less and less say about his wardrobe lately and yeah, I'm the one who taught him to read--although I never told him to read the newsletters for Pete's sake--but he seems so different to me since his tooth became loose. I mean, he seems so much older! Sniff.

Soon he'll have a gap in the bottom row of his teeth. Sniff, sniff. Soon he'll have a big tooth in it's place. Sob! You do know what this means don't you? Soon he'll lose that tooth and with it all traces of his babyhood will be gone forever!! GASP!

I just can't take this. Not now. Not during the holidays--I mean, I get all weepy and ridiculous this time of year as it is! I don't need this added emotional trauma! Oh, and need I remind everyone I'm still all post-partum-y and I've been riding a virtual rollercoaster of emotions? Man, how am I going to make it through Christmas without losing it??

I need to get it together man!

Sigh...okay, so it's a loose tooth. No biggie right? Right. I'm sure that I'll get over it. I'm sure I'll forget all about it and when he loses his
Very First Tooth (gulp) I'll be totally fine. I won't cry. I'll simply help him tuck it under his pillow so that the Tooth Fairy can fairly compensate him for it. I'll be fine. Really...I will.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Yup, it's official. I'm beat. Tuckered. Tired. Worn out. Bushed. Whooped. Stick a fork in me I'm done!

So...what the heck am I doing writing this?!?! Why am I not snoozing soundly? Why?? Why?!?!

Am I so starved for 'alone time' that I'll resort to severe sleep deprivation to get it?

Yup. I am.

Sad isn't it? Yeah, but that's what having twins will do to you. Well, twins and 2 other kids who keep you on your toes! Speaking of which--my dear friend Dawg (she knows who she is) wrote an update on her kiddos so I thought I'd do the same. Hope you don't mind Dawg--hey, remember, immitaion is the highest form of flattery! LOL

Devin~ smart, brilliant (well at least I think so) Devin. He's sailing through school and loving it. He seems to have lots of friends--he's always playing with a huge group of kids in the mornings before school and he's quite popular with the girls. Heh, heh. Ya, he's a ladies man (insert image of that SNL skit), but he still insists that none of them are his girlfriends--that spot is still reserved for his lifelong love, Emma.

He's bossy as all get out with Ryan and can be mouthy as a teenager--shudder, I don't even want to think about him as a teen! His mood is easily affected by his sleep patterns--lack of sleep, crappy mood--nuff said.

All in all, we're getting along--so long as he does what I say! lol

Ryan~ this boy is going to drive me to drink--literally! He is tenacious beyond belief (aka Stubborn as hell) and has the ability to expell the bones from his body (who knows where they go) and become a immovable blob of boy on the floor within seconds. He doesn't care where we are--if he decides he's done with participating in whatever it is we're doing--BAM! Boneless Boy!

Ah, but he's getting better. Making better choices these days and we're not fighting quite as much these days. Whew! He's still digging reading and we're still working on it when I am able to find the time to sit down one on one with him.

He's the most affectionate 3 1/2 yr old boy I've ever seen! He's always hugging and kissing me (well, everyone in the house) and telling me, "you're my favorite mommy" (who and where are the other mommies and why the hell aren't they here helping me clean the house?!) or "you're the best mommy ever" haha--yeah, lemme hear you say that in 10 years buddy!

The girls...

Emilee~ sweet, patient, easy Em. She's still content to lay around and observe things. She's mellow and quiet and pretty easy to please. Her hair is starting to fill in again and she's pleasantly fuzzy :). She's still clenching her fists super tight and her feet and hands are still that purply newborn color...we'll be mentioning that at their next dr's appt. She's got such pretty eyes, and her eyelashes are to die for!

Abigail~ holy cow--I'm in for it! She's a moody one! One second she's smiling and cooing away and the next she's screaming at you for no apparent reason. I spent so much time consoling her or nursing her! But, she makes up for her high maintenance by being cute. She wakes up happy usually and will chat your ear off. It's making taking decent pics of her hard because she likes to roll while she's talking. She can now roll from back to front--but not vice versa--so once she's on her tummy she screams to be rolled back over. "How on earth did that happen? I did not ask to be put on my tummy!! Moooooooooom!!!!"

Well, okay...that's it for me. I am no uber tired and am having a hard time typing so I guess that's my signal that it's time for bed.