January 6th
It's here, it's here, today is here!!!! :)
Not that I'm excited or anything. ;)
The boys have just gotten on the bus and here I sit, with just one child awake, happily sipping (or rather gulping) her morning milk. The other child is blissfully sleeping. :)
Ahhh...can you hear that? It's nice and quiet! It's music to my ears!
It's funny, Dev was actually more excited about school starting back up than he was about Christmas! According to hubby, Dev was up 3 times before 6:00 AM because he couldn't sleep. (I didn't know this because I had retreated to the couch to get some actual sleep--let's just say it's quieter there ;)) By comparison, on Christmas Eve he went to bed at 8:30 without a peep, slept all night and didn't get out of bed until 7:30 or so. Hmm...that's not quite how I did things when I was a kid LOL I guess he likes school huh? ;)
As for me, I'm looking forward not only to the reduced volume of the house, but to the return to our 'normal' routine. The whole day seems to just have a nice, although some days hectic, rhythm to it. I tend to stay in a lot more than I used to (something I'm working on) and having to go out everyday to get Ry from school ensures that I get at least a little fresh air.
Today is also special because it's my Brother and my Best Friend's Birthday!!! So, Happy Birthday to you two!! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Well, I guess I should get crackin' on that whole 'routine' thing 'eh? Have a great day all!
P.S. Just so y'all know, even though I'll enjoy the quiet and return to 'normal' I'm gunna miss havin' my boys around all day, sigh...
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