Monday, August 04, 2008

Fact #3

There are those who are organized.

There are those who have lives that run seamlessly.

There are those who have a place for everything and everything in its' place.

There are those who never freak out when company unexpectedly drops by.

There are those who have clutter free surfaces throughout their home.

There are those who have a tidy office with papers filed neatly.

There are those who purge their home of unneeded items regularly.

I am NOT one of these people.
(and I am not going to be sharing pictures today--I think we can all get along just fine without pics of my messy house, right? ;) )

Nope, not me. Truthfully, that sounds like a perfect little utopian world. Everything neat and tidy, clutter free and things easy to find...ahh, but I just can't seem to manage it. I want to, I really, really do, but I haven't been able to yet.

Is it because I'm lazy? Hmm...maybe it's because I love to collect things? Or, maybe it's genetics--I do come from a long line of hoarders and collectors. Could it be that I was destined to be this way? That it is truly out of my hands and these are the cards I was dealt?

Haha! Yeah, if only I could get out taking responsibilty that easily!

Maybe I just lack the ability to stay on task long enough to get the initial cleaning and organizing done! Ahh yes, this is more realistic. I mean, the kids do keep me pretty busy and on those rare occassions that I have attempted to organize and declutter I do tend to get interrupted...often!

Ahh, but then there's always a way isn't there? I mean, I see people who have kids who have immaculate houses--why can't I do that?! What is it about those people that they can accomplish this seemingly impossible task? Do they have more motivation? Do they have better organizational skills? Do they crave order more than me? Do they have a cleaning lady?


I've tried making lists, I've tried prioritizing, I've tried dedicating specific blocks of time to specific tasks, I've tried delegating, I've even tried but, her daily emails annoyed me. Haha!

I guess I could ask questions all day, but is it really doing me any good? I am who I am. I collect things, I put stuff in random places, I have much filing to do and I am (in my opinion ;)) genetically predisposed to hoarding treasured items! I do want to improve my organizational skills and long for a tidy, orderly house, but I've got so many other things that I want to do too! Maybe it's all just a time management issue.

Speaking of which--my time here is up for the day. There are children to feed, laundry to put away, a floor to endless list of things to do.

If YOU are one of those people who lives and organized and tidy life--feel free to share your secrets! Got any tips, advice, personal stories of how you were once just like me and turned over a new leaf? ;) Feel free to share them!

Not one those people? Well, share your story too! I'd love to hear that I'm not the only one! :)

Have a great day all!


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Lisa B said...

Me too, me too! Just like you. No advice. Sorry!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Don't make me get out my all-the-cool-things-Dawg-can-do-that-I-only-wish-I-could-do list because you know I'll do it.


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