Saturday, August 02, 2008

Here we go...


Okay, so I bet some of you are wondering why I've decided to blog about myself of all things. Well, let me assure you, it's not because I'm a snob or anything, actually it's the opposite.

I am always amazed and in awe of people who are so comfortable in their own skin that they post pics of themselves on bulletin boards and Flickr and such. I'm the type of person who much prefers the other side of the camera thank you very much.

I am, now don't laugh too hard when you read this, quite shy. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, "her?! SHY?! P'shaw, yeah, um...okay." but really, I am. I may be loud, mouthy and spout off about things, but in truth, I'm completely out of my mind nervous when I'm in a room full of people I don't know. I'm forever worried about what others might think of me, despite telling myself and others that I could care less.

So, among other things, I thought that blogging about (and taking pictures of) me might help me to shake this poor self esteem thing that I can't seem to shake.

Okay, so now that you know, let's get on with it!!

Now I'm going to start off slow and easy and just share little tidbits of boring, ho-hum stuff--I don't want to go spilling all the juicy stuff just yet now do I? Haha!

Fact #1

Every single day, without fail, I vacuum. I vacuum my kitchen and my living room--sometimes the office and the play room, but mostly the first two rooms. I vacuum them at least once a day, but usually twice. I hate to have crumbs and stuff on my floors!! It makes me insane! My husband calls me obsessive about it. The only exceptions to the rule would be if 1. I am not here to do it, and um...well...okay, so maybe that's the only exception. Well, *maybe* if I was too sick to do it I would skip it, but I have a feeling it might just get done anyhow. ;)

Me pushing my 5th baby around~

(ha ha, like my self portrait? Baby steps people, baby steps!!)

And without fail, as soon as I am finished vacuuming, my children do their very best to make sure that I don't get too used to having a clean floor. :D

IMG_0709 resized wm

And now you know one more thing about me! :)


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Lisa B said...

Awww, I love this! What a great idea. :)

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Jill said...

hee hee hee ... hope these baby steps don't take long, if anything DO them for the kids, so ((ok SO dont want to sound morbid but its LIFE)) when your gone they have something, ANYTHING ;) TRUST me I HATE the FRONT of the camera, but im sucking it up, its actually become quite fun.

im glad to see you bloggin again & i dont believer for one minute your shy ... hope not gonna believe it ;)

At 9:19 AM, Blogger GK said...

I hate being photographed too, so I hear ya!

Love that #2 shot...the bokeh is amazing!

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Cindy S. said...

I LOVE my Dyson....I think I have an unhealthy obsession with it. :)

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Okay mouthy girl, come and vacuum my house! I swear my floors are permanently covered with random blades of grass, crumbs, dried spilled droplets of whatever, and skid marks (the shoe kind). It doesn't matter how often I clean the floors, they just magically reappear.


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