PSA~ Reading other blogs maybe be dangerous!!!
It's true folks! I never thought something could happen to me just by reading another person's blog, but it did!
There I was, reading a friend's blog and suddenly the very content of her blog consumed me!! It made me crazy! I couldn't stop obessing about it! I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out of my head until I was able to recreate exactly what I saw!!
I did it. *sob, sob, sob* I'm telling you I had no choice! Her words seduced me! They whispered sweet nothings into my ear to make me do their will. The images...I could not get them out of my head!!! It drove me mad I tell you, MAD!
That blog. That danged blog!!! Just LOOK at what it made me DO...

Seriously Jill, I MUST stop reading your blog! I mean, I'm supposed to be dieting after all. Sigh...but oh my goodness were they good!! 4 ingredient peanut butter cookies, who would have thought?!
Ahh well...they're gone now. LOL Maybe next time you'll blog about liver and onions or something like that and I won't be tempted. ;) Haha!
Oh yeah, I see how you are. You blamed those chocolate chip cookies on me, now you're blaming this batch on Jill? Okay, whatever lets you sleep at night. LOL. Still got any left? Can I come over? ;)
BWHAHAHAHAHHA I LOVE how I am SUCH an enabler :} ADMIT it though you HAD to try it out for yourself, cause FOUR Ingredients NOT possible :} I'm addicted though & yeah mine are GONE to .... LOL
Oh yours turned out much better than my batch! But I had...issues :P Yuuummmy!
Oh man! The first day in a while that I decide to read blogs, and what do I see but COOKIES. They look yummy though!
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