Easily influenced...
Here it is, another day and can you believe it? Another blog entry!! Haha! Well, this one is inspired by another friend who is a self proclaimed "Gardening Nerd". :)
After seeing her blog entry about her new flower beds and truckload of mulch I had to finally bust out the seed pots, soil and seeds and the kids go to town.
Please pardon the craptastic pics, these were taken about 10 mins before the bus came to take Dev to school and the girls were wailing at the lack of attention being bestowed upon them (they're very demanding in the mornings!!). So, quick snaps is all I got.

Also planted were Lemon Balm (who knows what we'll use that for, hubby wanted that one ;)) and a couple of apple seeds that Devin got from a school mate yesterday. I hope, hope, hope they do something because we've tried in the past to grow apple seeds and nada. Zip, zero, zilch. Dev would be tickled if we at least got a sprout out of them. :)
Anyway, that's what we did this morning! :) Thanks Lisa for the motivation!
Fun! I hope you get something growing! My thumb is soo brown it's pathetic. I would love to grow my own herbs and spices but I'm afraid it would grow into weeds or poison lol
Oh YAY! And I'm so impressed that you got this project finished before the bus came in the morning. You must have been drinking SuperMom coffee today!
(I'm LOL at myself, because I typed out part of this comment then slipped with a typing finger just after I'd typed "drinking" and thought I'd sent it without finishing. Looks like it got deleted, though. Now THAT would have been an entirely different comment. Heehee!)
you are WAY brave .... LOL good luck on it though I would LOVE a herb garden ;)
Oh, nice. I wish you lots of apple luck.
And I think the pics are great!
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