Friday, August 08, 2008

Fact #4

The Truth.

08-08-08 weight

The truth is, if I stay at this weight I will have health problems. I won't have energy to play with my kids, I will continue to be uncomfortable, I will continue to be mad at myself for my lack of motivation. Staying here will only make things worse for my aching joints and ill fitting clothes.

The truth is, I'm sick of it. Totally, completely sick to death of it.

The truth is, I can don't have to stay at this weight. I can make the right choices and stop making excuses. I can be a positive role model for my kids and get up and play with them more. I will reach way down and find the motivation in me somewhere! Exercise will not be a stranger, it will be my best friend!

The truth is, this is a long time coming and I will do it.

Just watch me...

Monday, August 04, 2008

Fact #3

There are those who are organized.

There are those who have lives that run seamlessly.

There are those who have a place for everything and everything in its' place.

There are those who never freak out when company unexpectedly drops by.

There are those who have clutter free surfaces throughout their home.

There are those who have a tidy office with papers filed neatly.

There are those who purge their home of unneeded items regularly.

I am NOT one of these people.
(and I am not going to be sharing pictures today--I think we can all get along just fine without pics of my messy house, right? ;) )

Nope, not me. Truthfully, that sounds like a perfect little utopian world. Everything neat and tidy, clutter free and things easy to find...ahh, but I just can't seem to manage it. I want to, I really, really do, but I haven't been able to yet.

Is it because I'm lazy? Hmm...maybe it's because I love to collect things? Or, maybe it's genetics--I do come from a long line of hoarders and collectors. Could it be that I was destined to be this way? That it is truly out of my hands and these are the cards I was dealt?

Haha! Yeah, if only I could get out taking responsibilty that easily!

Maybe I just lack the ability to stay on task long enough to get the initial cleaning and organizing done! Ahh yes, this is more realistic. I mean, the kids do keep me pretty busy and on those rare occassions that I have attempted to organize and declutter I do tend to get interrupted...often!

Ahh, but then there's always a way isn't there? I mean, I see people who have kids who have immaculate houses--why can't I do that?! What is it about those people that they can accomplish this seemingly impossible task? Do they have more motivation? Do they have better organizational skills? Do they crave order more than me? Do they have a cleaning lady?


I've tried making lists, I've tried prioritizing, I've tried dedicating specific blocks of time to specific tasks, I've tried delegating, I've even tried but, her daily emails annoyed me. Haha!

I guess I could ask questions all day, but is it really doing me any good? I am who I am. I collect things, I put stuff in random places, I have much filing to do and I am (in my opinion ;)) genetically predisposed to hoarding treasured items! I do want to improve my organizational skills and long for a tidy, orderly house, but I've got so many other things that I want to do too! Maybe it's all just a time management issue.

Speaking of which--my time here is up for the day. There are children to feed, laundry to put away, a floor to endless list of things to do.

If YOU are one of those people who lives and organized and tidy life--feel free to share your secrets! Got any tips, advice, personal stories of how you were once just like me and turned over a new leaf? ;) Feel free to share them!

Not one those people? Well, share your story too! I'd love to hear that I'm not the only one! :)

Have a great day all!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Fact #2

I believe in fixing that which can be fixed.

IMG_0837 resized wm

Here we go...


Okay, so I bet some of you are wondering why I've decided to blog about myself of all things. Well, let me assure you, it's not because I'm a snob or anything, actually it's the opposite.

I am always amazed and in awe of people who are so comfortable in their own skin that they post pics of themselves on bulletin boards and Flickr and such. I'm the type of person who much prefers the other side of the camera thank you very much.

I am, now don't laugh too hard when you read this, quite shy. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, "her?! SHY?! P'shaw, yeah, um...okay." but really, I am. I may be loud, mouthy and spout off about things, but in truth, I'm completely out of my mind nervous when I'm in a room full of people I don't know. I'm forever worried about what others might think of me, despite telling myself and others that I could care less.

So, among other things, I thought that blogging about (and taking pictures of) me might help me to shake this poor self esteem thing that I can't seem to shake.

Okay, so now that you know, let's get on with it!!

Now I'm going to start off slow and easy and just share little tidbits of boring, ho-hum stuff--I don't want to go spilling all the juicy stuff just yet now do I? Haha!

Fact #1

Every single day, without fail, I vacuum. I vacuum my kitchen and my living room--sometimes the office and the play room, but mostly the first two rooms. I vacuum them at least once a day, but usually twice. I hate to have crumbs and stuff on my floors!! It makes me insane! My husband calls me obsessive about it. The only exceptions to the rule would be if 1. I am not here to do it, and um...well...okay, so maybe that's the only exception. Well, *maybe* if I was too sick to do it I would skip it, but I have a feeling it might just get done anyhow. ;)

Me pushing my 5th baby around~

(ha ha, like my self portrait? Baby steps people, baby steps!!)

And without fail, as soon as I am finished vacuuming, my children do their very best to make sure that I don't get too used to having a clean floor. :D

IMG_0709 resized wm

And now you know one more thing about me! :)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Ahem...test--test--1, 2, 3

Just testing the waters to see if anyone has held onto even a sliver of hope that I'll update the 'ol blog. Haha!

Yes, I'm bad. I admitted this already so it's really not a surprise, yet I still feel bad. After all, it's not like it's incredibly difficult to type a few lines and post a few pics right? I seem to have no trouble doing it on Flickr and Bulletin Boards...


So anyway, I'm here, and I'm updating! Although admittedly, this is a boring way to go.

But wait! I have news!

I have decided to start up a little blog project! Maybe this will be just the thing I need to keep me in gear! I can't promise you'll be wowed. I can't promise you'll be amazed. I can't promise you'll be moved to laugh/cry/gasp. You might experience stunned silence and disbelief! I dunno. What I can promise you is, you'll learn stuff. Yup. You will learn stuff you might not know. Stuff that you may not have wanted to know, but stuff all the same.


About Me

...and with that, I will say, "Goodnight!"
