Week #2
Ahhh, so I'm actually posting on time this week! Yay me!
I wish I could write something funny, entertaining or both, but I'm fresh outta stuff like that.
My brain is mush tonight and all I'm really wanting to do is go to bed! However, I'll at least recap the week:
I got all of my Week Two Goals accomplished and actually started on Week Three! The purging and organizing is coming along nicely and I've already had a bunch of stuff hauled off to charity. Yay!
I am in the middle of my first ever embroidery project that I was hoping would be completed by today, but it proved more time consuming than I had thought. So in order to accomplish my weekly goal to create something I whipped up some repurposed canisters (pics to follow soon). I'm not entire sure where they're going, but I'm sure I'll find a place for them.
My mother is also in the midst of purging and reorganizing her house. We chat about our projects every day and we finally decided that a blog is in order! So be on the lookout for a post regarding our blog Like Mother Like Daughter to be coming soon.
Well folks, as I mentioned above, I'm pretty beat. So I'll say goodnight and wish you all peaceful slumber!
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