Happy New Year!
Hello and Happy New Year!!!
I'm a day late posting this (well, about 7 hours late if you want to be technical ;)) but a day late is better than not at all right? Right! So let's get to it!
A new year is upon us! Many of us are exercising more, eating right, organizing their stuff, setting new goals and making resolutions. It's a great time of year right? A fresh start, a clean slate...ahh...
I'm right there in the thick of the New Year hoopla. I've set new goals for myself, goals I've set before and goals I'm sure I'll set again in my lifetime. :) Among them is the goal to purge and organize everything in my house.
Now that we've lived in our house for over 2 years--and believe me, that's a big deal! (While Chris and I have been married, the longest we've ever lived in one place is about 18 months!)--it's finally time to completely unpack.
I think it's safe to say that we've led a somewhat nomadic lifestyle in the 12 years we've been together, moving from place to place, packing and unpacking and I'm glad to be done with it. However, it's taken me some time to finally get my head around being settled. But, I finally have and now I'm finding myself wanting to decorate rooms and find places for all the things I've kept in boxes--because really, why bother unpacking it all if you're just going to move again in 18 months right? ;)
So anyway...
My goal for 2010 in a nutshell is:
Unpack, Purge & Organize -- EVERYTHING
Oh, and to create something once a week. Anything, be it a craft, sewing, crocheting, photography...it's got to be something though.
And for the first week of January I made this:
Cute little pocket calendars! I found them on this blog http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/home/2009/12/11/printable-2010-pocket-calendar-by-sam-cheryl.html and since I have a ton of scrap booking paper and zero scrap booking skill, I decided to put the papers to good use and use them on the calendars. :)
Inside each pocket I will be putting weekly to do lists or goals, like this~
I'm hoping that this will help me to stay focused on my goals. ;) If not, well...at least it looks cute right? Haha!
Once again, Happy New Year and I hope that this year brings you happiness and joy!
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