Post Christmas Ramblings...
I'm just thinking about 2007 and how it's almost over and I started wondering, 'what will 2008 have in store for me?' Hmmm...
Well, hopefully more blogging to start with! ;) A little birdie told me I should start a blog and since I happen to have this one, I figured I should take her advice and just update it once in a while. So Tracey, this is for YOU! :D
I hope that 2008 brings more organization for my family and I--we've added another move to the mix and we're still in boxes to a degree so it would be nice to have everything unpacked and it a nice, tidy, designated space. :)
Bwahaha! Those of you who know me and have actually SEEN my house are snickering right now aren't you? Ha ha ha...yeah, I can hear you! Well, I hope to prove you (and the skeptic in my head) wrong this year!!!!!
Calm. I want calm. I want less chaos and rushing. I want quiet and peace. Again...I hear laughing. Come on now! I mean, it's not entirely impossible to imagine a life with 4 kids under 8 being at least a little quiet...once in a while...maybe when they're sleeping? Maybe? Sigh...okay, go ahead and laugh--but hey, a girl can dream can't she?
More time with my hubby. He works too much. I want him home more. Simple enough, no need to elaborate on it. :)
To learn more. I'm obsessed with photography--in the best possible way of course, I don't need to enter a 12 step program or least not yet--and I want to do everything I can to learn all that I can this year. I hope to have more time in 2008 than I did in 2007 to devote to reading/experimenting and doing photog lessons.
Happiness. I want everyone in my family to be happier this year. We've moved, we're getting settled, I hope that we can start our new life and be happier than we've ever been.
Oh and of course I've gotta throw in the 'ol 'weight loss resolution' ugh...stupid fat. So, weight loss. I want and need to lose weight...I won't go into details--I mean, why on earth would anyone want to know anyway right? LOL But you can pretty much count on that being on my list of things to do this new year. Pbbbbt...bah!
So, there you have it--Christmas Night ramblings from an exhausted me. I can only hope that future entries are more entertaining and interesting for those reading. :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that the new year brings nothing but good things your way!
Now...I'm off to bed! *Yawn* I'm too old to stay up late!!! Haha!