Okee dokee--this might be lost on some of you younger kids out there, but endulge me for a bit while I make a comparison.
I'm a child of the 70's & 80's and because of that I was able to play with toys that are now considered 'collectables' or 'vintage' *choke, gag*, among them was a toy called Stretch Monster (it was Stretch Armstrong's enemy don'tcha know). He was green, was super stretchy and filled with slimy--most likely--toxic goo and would tolerate being stretched quite a ways before ripping. Here he is in all his glory:

See where I'm going with this? Haha
So, just call me Stretch. Yup, I'm beginning to feel like that monster. I've got 4 limbs--just like he did. I'm scary looking these days--just like he was. I can get pulled in 4 different directions--just like he did. And that goo...I've got it too! Toxic goo. It's the kind of goo that makes a rational mom become crazy. The kind that turns a patient mom into the most impatient mom on the block. The kind that when it starts flowing, it seems unstoppable...and I can't seem to find the special 'bandaids' that came with the monster in case of a tear.
I knew having another baby would bring it's challenges. I knew that. I was prepared for it--well, prepared for the caretaking part. I'll admit that the effect a new baby would have on my middle child was sort of glossed over in my pregnant brain...but I digress. I was ready for having a new baby. A BABY. Not twins!!
I would never change a thing. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have both of my girls!! I can't imagine what it would be like with just one--perhaps easier, but it would be awful! I love them both so much it hurts! But...
I'm being pulled. Pulled and pulled and pulled, and it hurts. It hurts in ways that I didn't expect. I'm in physial pain--it's hard carrying two babies for most of the day. I nurse in some pretty strange positions too. And suddenly, my joints feel 100 years old! Then there's the sleep deprivation--I think you'll understand when I say that it's painful, you're just so tired that you're sore...your eyes burn, your head hurts and I'm walking around in a fog a lot of the time...Oh and my heart. My heart aches for my middle son. Poor kid. I feel like a pretty worthless mom when it comes to him. I can't help but feel that I'm neglecting him and damaging him forever. (but that's a whole other entry)
Yup, Stretch Monster, that's me. I can only hope that my limbs are up to the task of all this pulling and that which is still to come, otherwise I'll be in the market for some bandaids...lots and lots of bandaids.