Looking for extra hours...
Yeah, that's about it--the total sum of my quest. I need more time. More time to sleep, more time to relax, more time to play with my kids, more time to teach my kids, more time to clean...
Okay, so that's really what I need--cleaning time. It seems when I finally get the motivation I lack the time. It's never easy to clean in my house it seems, if my 2 older kiddos aren't messing up the joint, my hubby is--although not nearly as much as he used to, I must give him a little credit--and if they aren't--I am! I am finding myself leaving stuff in the weirdest places these days--mainly cloth diapers that end up all over the house. I carry them with me as a sort of clothing accessory it seems, yeah, that's it--spit up covered scarves and sashes...
But I digress--I need time folks and plenty of it! There are simply not enough hours in the day. I need ample time to do the things that desperately need to be done or else I'm going to lose it! My house is so bad these days that I'm truly embarrassed when someone knocks on the door--heaven forbid they see the crap everywhere! It doesn't help that the 'playroom' is the first thing you see--oooh it's bad!
And thanks to our generous friends and family we've got baby clothes everywhere! I'm not kidding! In the living room there are 2 separate piles, in the hallway there's a laundry basket filled with clothes that need to be washed, and their room--egads, what a disaster! Let me tell you, I've been through a tornado and had less clean up to deal with!
I attempted to clean that room today, even managed to multi task and squeeze in a phone conversation with a certain Dawg while I cleaned. However, (there's always a 'however' isn't there?) one of my sweet little cherubs woke up earlier than I had expected and cut the cleaning short. Sigh...and I was making good progress too!! I mean, I could actually SEE the floor people!!!
Ah well...there's always tomorrow right?
But here's a question for ya, will I have the motivation? Heh, heh.
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